Information for Consideration when Nominating:

Each deacon of Colonial Hills Church shall meet the scriptural qualifications from Acts 6:1-7 and 1 Timothy 3:8 – 13, support the ministries of the church, have been a Christian for at least 3 years, have been a member for at least one year, and be at least 25 years of age.

Colonial Hills will seek to have a Deacon Body that shall consist up to thirty (30) members, being elected each year for a period of three (3) years, with one (1) year elapsing before being eligible for re-election.

Deacons shall be nominated and elected by the church in the following manner:

  1. Nomination – members of the church will be given a digital opportunity to nominate men in the church. Nominations will happen during the months of October and November.

  2. A Deacon Screening Committee will consist of church staff and existing deacons. The screening process will involve an interview and written testimony. This Deacon Screening Committee will verify qualifications, personal/spiritual gifts, and willingness to serve.

  3. The Deacon Screening Committee will approve all deacons. The church will be presented with the deacons following the approval and recommendation of the Deacon Screening Committee.
    A candidate may withdraw his name following this meeting. A Pastor, or pastoral representative will then meet with each man individually to affirm his willingness to serve if elected, to answer any questions the candidate may have and pray with each candidate. Once the qualified men have agreed to serve, their names will be submitted to the membership of the church at the end of December to be voted on after the first of the year.

  4. Appointment of any new deacon will be held in January of the new term, depending on schedule allowances.

  5. Deacons will begin their service on January 1.

  6. All vacancies for any unexpired terms will be filled immediately by reviewing the list of nominees from that year, starting with the man with the highest number of nominations that was not selected for deacon during the original process. The recommendation to fill the vacancy shall be made by the active deacons and approval of the Church in regular Business Meeting.